IPAK, Inc.’s Standards of Conduct and Ethics provide a guide for our daily business interactions, as well as demonstrating our corporate values. These standards apply to all IPAK people, including directors, officers and all IPAK employees, and suppliers. By fully including ethics and integrity in our ongoing business relationships and decision-making, we demonstrate a commitment to a culture that promotes the highest ethical standards. IPAK understands that trust and respect is earned through the manner in which we conduct business.

Promoting Diversity:
IPAK has invested in a commitment to diversity, equal opportunity, and freedom from exposure to improper conduct and discrimination. It is the policy, practice and desire of IPAK to provide employment opportunities to all qualified persons and supplier opportunities on an equal basis. The Company will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law in any of the terms or conditions of employment. This includes, but is not limited to, recruitment, hiring, promotion, transfer, compensation, training, demotion or layoff. Should issues arise, we resolve concerns and issues in an appropriate, timely manner and without retaliation.
Employee Safety and Security:
Our commitment to caring for our people is evidenced in our dedication to safety. We comply with all applicable occupational safety and health laws and standards, including eliminating any hazards from the workplace. This includes respecting and protecting the environment, and conducting our operations to minimize adverse environmental effects.
IPAK extends this policy of protection to physical assets and electronic resources from loss, theft, or damage. All personnel should report theft, security emergencies, and personal injuries to IPAK management.
We prohibit sexual or any other kind of harassment of IPAK people by any person in the workplace or while conducting Company business. Acts that could be perceived as violent, threatening, degrading or intimidating are also prohibited. Such behavior should be reported immediately to IPAK management.
Competition and Antitrust Laws:
It is IPAK’s policy that all employees comply fully with competition laws (known as antitrust laws in the U.S.) of every country, state and locality where IPAK does business. It is our responsibility to understand the laws where we are doing business and seek guidance from the business unit’s legal counsel as needed. We must adhere to the letter and spirit of the applicable laws. The consequences for IPAK and its people for not complying with competition laws are serious. Violation of some competition laws can lead to fines and imprisonment for the individuals involved and to even heavier fines for the Company.
Fair Dealing:
No IPAK personnel should take unfair advantage of another, be they within the IPAK family or without, through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair dealing practice. Any proprietary or non-public information about the Company’s competitors should not be used if it is suspected that such information has been obtained improperly. All IPAK persons and suppliers should immediately report any concerns or suspicions of improper procurement methods of information to management.
Financial Record-Keeping:
Honest and accurate recording and reporting of information is critical to our ability to make responsible business decisions. We create and maintain, in detail, accurate IPAK books, records, and accounts and provide reliable and trustworthy financial statements that reflect IPAK transactions. Our financial statements and the books and records on which they are based must accurately reflect all corporate transactions and conform to all legal and accounting requirements. We do not make, arrange to have made, or fail to correct or report any false, misleading, or artificial entries in IPAK records or those of others with whom we do business.
Trust and Credibility:
IPAK is committed to acting honestly in all our business relationships, dealings, and activities. To achieve this, we are forthright in our presentation of our interests, products, services and capabilities. IPAK’s reputation is built upon the quality of our manufacturing and production and we strive to be certain that such is represented. All suppliers are selected based on the merit and value of their products and services. IPAK does not allow our business dealings to be influenced by personal interests. Giving or receiving any kickbacks, bribes or similar payments of any sort are prohibited; as is further explained in our Gifts section. We extend no personal favors to customers on prices, promotional allowances, marketing assistance or the like; we treat all customers on the same business basis.
It is unacceptable to give or receive gifts, payments or other personal benefits to influence, or that may appear to influence, any business decision. IPAK DOES NOT offer, provide, authorize, or accept anything of value in order to influence a decision or gain an unfair advantage. We DO NOT accept gifts, entertainment, or favors that could affect or appear to affect our business judgment.
If any IPAK persons observe actions that are not aligned with these commitments, IPAK wants to know so that we can learn and improve. Report known or suspected violations to [email protected], or call 1-800-355-1354. Please also report to IPAK within five (5) calendar days of being aware of personnel that are excluded or restricted in any way from doing business with any government. We take appropriate measures to prevent retaliation against those who make these reports. IPAK does not tolerate retaliation for reporting inappropriate conduct, preventing unlawful practices, or participating in an investigation.
Laws and Regulations:
IPAK, its employees, and suppliers comply will all legal requirements, industry codes of practice, and internal IPAK policies that apply to our business activities. Violation of domestic or foreign laws and regulations may subject an individual, as well as the company, to civil and/or criminal penalties. It is the responsibility of IPAK personnel to comply with all laws, regulations, policies, and procedures, and to promptly alert management of any deviation from them. IPAK does not tolerate any form of modern slavery, forced labor or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chain.
Protection of IPAK’s assets, including maintaining their secrecy, plays a vital role in our continued growth and ability to compete. We safeguard and make proper use of confidential information, which we consider to be any customer, client, alliance, third-party, or IPAK information that has not been approved for public disclosure by IPAK.
All IPAK persons are responsible for safeguarding and keeping confidential any information that the Company considers to be of a confidential or sensitive nature. Under no circumstances are IPAK persons to use confidential information for their own personal benefit or the benefit of persons or entities outside the company, and must exercise caution and discretion. As such, all personnel must obtain IPAK approval before communicating or disclosing externally in a public forum, or any forum accessible by the public, any information related to IPAK.
Our strict policies and procedures comply with applicable requirements when it comes to handling, storing, and protecting sensitive Information. We protect, respect, and do not knowingly violate the legitimate information rights of others. We protect and respect the personal information of others whether obtained from employees, suppliers, customers, or others. We take reasonable precautions to protect personal information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
As we deal more and more with electronic data and the issues therein, we use electronic services and tools with due consideration for the sensitivity of the information being stored, communicated, or transferred and the potential risks of the information being lost or exposed.
Contracts and Transactions:
It is the policy of IPAK to ascertain the appropriate authority and secure the required internal IPAK approvals before acquiring or committing IPAK resources, entering into agreements with external parties, disbursing IPAK funds, and/or entering into special transactions noted in IPAK policies. We require authorization from procurement and appropriate supporting documentation before purchasing goods or services.
When involved in contracting, we verify that the contract accurately reflects the nature, value, and content of the proposed transactions and relationships. We discuss with management any instances of observed conduct or circumstances that are inconsistent with applicable contractual requirements.
We properly classify and value goods and technology and meet all applicable import and export requirements and restrictions before transferring them either electronically or physically (whether by sending or personally carrying them) between countries.
We do not take any action that would support or respond to a request relating to a boycott of a country that is friendly to the United States. IPAK follows applicable internal reporting and approval requirements for all requests received, even if IPAK does not intend to respond to or comply with the request.